Appointment of the CEO of Parlem Telecom

Parlem Telecom, one of the leading telecom operators in Catalonia and a company that is loyal to Catalan values of customer proximity, is currently the flagship of the Parlem Group and has been listed on the BME Growth market since 2021. The leap from its beginnings as a start-up to the present day has represented a challenge in terms of its communications strategy, in which it has been essential to build a solid story for the press and investors.
A few weeks ago, the Group’s Board of Directors appointed Xavier Capellades as Parlem’s new CEO in order to strengthen the senior management structure and implement a business restructuring to boost profitability in the coming years. This move, one of the most significant in 2023, aims to ensure that Parlem achieves the ambitious targets it set itself when it was floated on the stock market: EUR 60 million in turnover and 15% EBITDA by the end of 2024.
The communication objectives of this campaign were not only to publicise the appointment, but to do so while achieving a greater media impact and bolstering the profile of Xavier Capellades, Parlem's new CEO.
We communicated this strategic appointment in two ways. Firstly, we prepared an Other Relevant Information document (OIR, in Spanish) to inform Parlem’s shareholders and potential investors on the BME Growth market. Secondly, we prepared a press release in three languages (Catalan, Spanish and English) to communicate the news to journalists in the economics sections of the general press, the strictly economic media, the stock market media and the specialist telecommunications sector media. The wording of the press releases was adapted according to the various targets.
Beforehand, we organised a corporate photoshoot at the Parlem Group’s headquarters. Together with a trusted photographer, we took several images to illustrate the appointment in alignment with the operator’s values. Not only Xavier Capellades appeared in the photos, but also Ernest Pérez-Mas, who in this new phase of Parlem has retained his position as Managing Director. The aim was to make it clear in the photographs that the Group was taking a leap forward by hiring Capellades while also preserving the essence represented by its founder. Based on the session, we chose the most suitable images to accompany the press release and which were the most appropriate for Parlem’s channels (blog, social media, newsletters, etc.).
- Prepare an Other Relevant Information document and disseminate it to Parlem’s shareholders and potential investors on the BME Growth market.
- Send a press release to the Economy sections of the general press.
- Organise a corporate photo shoot at the headquarters of the Parlem Group.
The coherence between the story communicated and the images selected – which highlighted Capellades’ profile as a senior executive as well as the idea of shared leadership with Pérez-Mas – contributed to the success of the communication campaign, as was clear from several important media outlets and the Group’s social media profiles. Specifically, the news appeared in 17 online and print media, including leading publications in the telecommunications sector in which Parlem operates, such as EXPANSIÓN, EL ECONOMISTA, VÍA EMPRESA and BOLSAMANÍA.