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Creiem en el poder transformador de la comunicació responsable, ètica, igualitària, rigorosa, veraç.

Som un equip de professionals intergeneracional expert en comunicació estratègica. 

Què oferim a l'equip d'Intermèdia Comunicació?

Com és treballar a Intermèdia?

“Passion, talent, ability to adapt, perspective, connection to the region, a forward-looking perspective, cohesion, personal engagement and ambition – a necessarily enriching mix that nourishes my day-to-day work and makes my career worthwhile.”
Sergi Cañisà
“Coming to work in a communications agency after years of “pounding the streets” as a journalist has been both a challenge and an enriching experience. I have developed a deeper understanding of how companies operate and how to communicate their values and messages effectively – a change that has broadened my professional horizons.”
Carme Melià
“From the moment I joined Intermèdia, the team gave me a very warm welcome. You can feel the management’s dedication to fostering a pleasant working environment at all times, as well as the high degree of importance given to considering the opinions of each team member. What I value most is the flexibility offered by the company, as it allows for work-life balance and promotes both personal and professional growth.”
Miriam León
Posicions obertes
Persona adjunta al departament d'administració i persones
Busquem una persona dinàmica, amb iniciativa, amb orientació a resultats, rigor professional i excel·lents habilitats per les relacions interpersonals.
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